
Have any questions?

People who avail themselves of services, as opposed to representing themselves or having their Accountant or Lawyer represent them, are generally thankful for the experience of negotiations. They need to understand that:

What is this bill from the IRS? What is a Federal Tax Lien?
What will happen to if they owe taxes?
Will the IRS Support the deal to pay it back?
Do they have to go alone or can someone help?


Only ForMyTax.Com; provides the end-to-end solution and we represent to IRS at any point of time.

Our professionals make sure that you are being professionally represented. Since

Most individuals would not have the experience dealing with the IRS in negotiations, and understand the value of being represented by someone with the proper knowledge and experience. Had they gone it on their own, they may have over-committed their monthly payments, forgotten certain legitimate expenses, neglected Penalty Abatement, or other important facets of the negotiation process. The result of being represented by an experienced IRS Officer/Negotiator is generally a better financial deal for you.

Using a good Accountant or Lawyer to represent you in IRS negotiations is not enough. Even some “Enrolled Agents” lack the practical experience to represent you well. When was the last time they actually stood in front of the IRS to save the client? How many clients have they successfully represented? Proper IRS representation experience often makes the difference between an equitable agreement, and one that costs you too much money.

With an experienced Negotiator on your side, there is no reason to be scared. You can be assured that you are represented properly, fairly, and to the best of your own advantage.

If you’d like to get additional information, please reach out to us and one of our associate will be reach out to you